Agents of Change and Active Citizenship
Main Topic
Solidarity - Civic Activities
Additional Topic(s)
Empowerment and Inclusion – Diversity
Mobility - Visibility of Youth
Solidarity - Participation
Solidarity - Social Activities
Mobility - Visibility of Youth
Solidarity - Participation
Solidarity - Social Activities
1-2 hours
Implementation Mode
● What is an Agent of Change
● Learn what Active Citizenship really means
● Empowering learners to become Agents of Change through Active Citizenship
Expected Results:
Participants will learn what it means to be an Active Citizen
Participants will be inspired and empowered to actively engage in activities that can lead to positive transformative change and raising awareness of social injustices
● Learn what Active Citizenship really means
● Empowering learners to become Agents of Change through Active Citizenship
Expected Results:
Participants will learn what it means to be an Active Citizen
Participants will be inspired and empowered to actively engage in activities that can lead to positive transformative change and raising awareness of social injustices
Overview of Activity
Becoming an Agent of Change Through Active Citizenship
This activity will provide participants with the foundations of Active Citizenship and how their own actions can contribute to transformative change in the community, nationally and internationally, for equality and social justice.
This activity will provide participants with the foundations of Active Citizenship and how their own actions can contribute to transformative change in the community, nationally and internationally, for equality and social justice.
Description of Activity
Activity 1: Five words exercise – part One
Purpose: to determine the level of awareness of Active Citizenship before the workshop
Give participants a sheet of paper and ask them to write five words that they think explains Active Citizenship.
Ask them to write their name on the page and hand it back to the facilitator when complete.
Activity 2: Agents of Change
Purpose: Defining an Agent of Change
● Before giving the formal definition of Agents of change, display photographs of prominent Agents of Change eg Greta Thunberg, Jacinda Adern, Martin Luther King or others that relate to the age group of the participants. Ask what they know about these people and are they aware of any impact they have had, if any, on a social issue. Discuss the impact of their active citizenship– positive and/or negative
● The purpose of this exercise is to determine if people are aware of the actions of an agent of change as opposed to the concept.
● Play the "">Africa Wildlife video.
● Ask participants to identify people they think are Agents of Change for a cause the participant cares about and what Transformative Change could result
Activity 3: Slacktivism
Purpose: to identify the impact of Social Media on Active Citizenship
● Start the lesson by asking participants have heard of Slacktivism
● "">Lazy Activism
● Ask if they agree with the definition
● Ask if they agree if it’s valid form of activism given the global instant access to information and social media platforms
● Display images that explain Slactivism
● Discuss the power of social media on Active Citizenship
● Discuss the impact of ‘fake news’
Activity 4: Group exercise
Purpose: Bringing about Transformative Change through Active Citizenship
● Divide into groups
● Ask group to select a social justice issue
● Ask them to identify how they could get involved
● Identify what behaviours would have to change
● Identify how they could motivate and encourage people to change their thoughts and behaviours
● Identify what would be the desired results
● Identify the long-term impact of change
Following this exercise, groups share their ideas. Invite questions and opinions and suggestions eg is there a better way to do things, what is positive/negative about the approach, how realistic is the campaign
Activity 5: Five Words Exercise – part two
Purpose: to determine the level of awareness of Active Citizenship post discussions/activity
Method: Return the paper the participants wrote the five words that they thought explained Active Citizenship at the beginning of the activities
Ask them to write down five new words
Final thoughts:
Group discussion on Active Citizenship and becoming Agents of Change
Purpose: to determine the level of awareness of Active Citizenship before the workshop
Give participants a sheet of paper and ask them to write five words that they think explains Active Citizenship.
Ask them to write their name on the page and hand it back to the facilitator when complete.
Activity 2: Agents of Change
Purpose: Defining an Agent of Change
● Before giving the formal definition of Agents of change, display photographs of prominent Agents of Change eg Greta Thunberg, Jacinda Adern, Martin Luther King or others that relate to the age group of the participants. Ask what they know about these people and are they aware of any impact they have had, if any, on a social issue. Discuss the impact of their active citizenship– positive and/or negative
● The purpose of this exercise is to determine if people are aware of the actions of an agent of change as opposed to the concept.
● Play the "">Africa Wildlife video.
● Ask participants to identify people they think are Agents of Change for a cause the participant cares about and what Transformative Change could result
Activity 3: Slacktivism
Purpose: to identify the impact of Social Media on Active Citizenship
● Start the lesson by asking participants have heard of Slacktivism
● "">Lazy Activism
● Ask if they agree with the definition
● Ask if they agree if it’s valid form of activism given the global instant access to information and social media platforms
● Display images that explain Slactivism
● Discuss the power of social media on Active Citizenship
● Discuss the impact of ‘fake news’
Activity 4: Group exercise
Purpose: Bringing about Transformative Change through Active Citizenship
● Divide into groups
● Ask group to select a social justice issue
● Ask them to identify how they could get involved
● Identify what behaviours would have to change
● Identify how they could motivate and encourage people to change their thoughts and behaviours
● Identify what would be the desired results
● Identify the long-term impact of change
Following this exercise, groups share their ideas. Invite questions and opinions and suggestions eg is there a better way to do things, what is positive/negative about the approach, how realistic is the campaign
Activity 5: Five Words Exercise – part two
Purpose: to determine the level of awareness of Active Citizenship post discussions/activity
Method: Return the paper the participants wrote the five words that they thought explained Active Citizenship at the beginning of the activities
Ask them to write down five new words
Final thoughts:
Group discussion on Active Citizenship and becoming Agents of Change
Sources & Additional Materials
"">Women as Agents of Change
● "">
● "">
● "">
● "">Slactivism Images
● "">Agents of Change images
● "">
● "">
● "">
● "">Slactivism Images
● "">Agents of Change images
Additional Notes
Select photographs of high-profile people that participants/learners may be aware of, who are Agents of Change for various social injustices eg: Michelle Obama; Martin Luther King; Greta Thunberg; Malala Yousafzai; Jacinda Ardern people from their own country and/or generation
Use image that explains ‘Slactivism’
Use image that explains ‘Slactivism’
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