Policy Paper

Policy Paper Strengthening the collaboration between frontline youth workers, research institutes and policy makers to further investigate the situation of marginalised youth in Europe. Extended re-implementation of the European Youth Survey with youth and youth workers in more countries Development of policy recommendations based on the deductions from comparing survey results

Escape the Gloom

Escape the Gloom An escape game that empowers marginalised youth to reignite their courage. It features engagement opportunities through open an innovation approach and transferable guidelines to create escape games for youth settings. Open innovation social media campaigns for young people to shape the educational game Testing the escape game in all partner countries and … Read more

Outreach for active citizenship

Outreach for active citizenship Social pedagogical interactive toolkit to (re-)activate marginalised youth during and after crisis. It is a responsive, interactive online platform, available in English, German, Italian, French, and Slovenian and features collected resources and methodologies. Participative, bottom-up development of new resources and updating established methodologies to longlasting, futureproof form Testing the resources with … Read more

European Youth Survey

  European Youth Survey A transnational survey report investigating the post-COVID situation of marginalised youth and the connection status to their support system. Video summaries are available in English, German, Italian, French, and Slovenian. Engagement of youth and youth workers in the transnational survey