Characteristics of my behaviour

Characteristics of my behaviour
Main Topic
Solidarity - Social Activities
Additional Topic(s)
Empowerment and Inclusion – Diversity
Health - Mental
30-60 minutes
Implementation Mode
Indoor F2F
- Identify different types of behaviour
- Empower participants
- Control over own emotions
Overview of Activity
The activity is designed to learn about different behaviours in other people and in yourself. Through the activity, participants identify their own traits so that they can manage them in the future and thus have control over their own behaviour.
Description of Activity
The leader prepares sheets and a power point describing the behaviours.
• PASSIVE: ambiguity, reticence, self-pity, avoidance, self-deprecation, waiting, loss, ineffectiveness, cowardice, withdrawal, victim, powerless, "I don't care".
• AGGRESSIVE: demanding, uncompromising, arrogant, blaming others, not listening, humiliating others (to their face), pressuring others, causing pain, imposing, loud, winner, full of power, taking power from others.
• INDIRECT AGGRESSIVE: judgmental, manipulative, deceitful, blaming (indirectly), listening "half-heartedly", humiliating others (behind their backs), reacting, vindictiveness, pressuring, emotional bribery, martyr.
• ASSERTIVE: "I", directness, honesty, accept responsibilities, listen attentively, respect self and others, teachability, forgiveness, efficiency, spontaneity, realness, inner strength, empowerment.

The trainer first introduces the topic Characteristics of my behaviour by explaining each behaviour through a power point presentation and illustrating it with individual examples. In doing so, he/she invites the participants to give their own examples that can shed light on certain types of behaviour. Once the participants have understood the topic, the trainer hands out the papers with the behaviours written on them: passive, aggressive, indirect aggressive and assertive to each individual. Instructions then follow: or underline the traits that are characteristic of you.
Then follow the group discussion:
2. Is there only one type of behaviour that is characteristic of you, or do the types interact? If there is one type - which type is it?
3. Choose the two characteristics that you admire most about yourself and write them down.
4. Are there any traits you would like to change? Which ones?

Now take an extra sheet of paper and write down any ideas that help you to change those behaviours that you think are limiting you. Take 5 minutes to write down any ideas (don't rate the ideas!). Now look at the list.
Any idea you choose that will enable you to make a change will need to be persisted with!
Sources & Additional Materials
Adopted from:
Petrovič Erlah, P., Žnidarec Demšar S. (2004): Asertivnost
Additional Notes

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