Creating a joyful poster

Creating a joyful poster
Main Topic
Solidarity – Participation
Additional Topic(s)
1+ day
Implementation Mode
Indoor F2F
- Empowerment of self and others.
- to encourage the development of empathy
- developing critical thinking

Expected results:
Participants empower themselves and others through honest expression of their own feelings, emotions, observations and by sharing positive thoughts.
Overview of Activity
The activity encourages participants to think about themselves, the people around them (those who mark them more or less), organisations, society, values, possibilities, choices, identity, diversity,... In short, about anything, because the activity encourages participants to express themselves in a creative way - who they are and who they are not, what they experience or notice others experiencing.
Description of Activity
The activity takes place over several days, weeks, months or years - depending on our vision and how much we have internalised the activity.
The activity is very relaxed and encourages free-thinking in the participants.
The coordinator gives simple instructions to a group of participants with whom he/she has been working for a long time to "fill in" the poster. The instructions are to write on the poster good thoughts, sentences, facts, quotes from celebrities or words that have been with them all their lives (e.g. something we are constantly told by our parents, friends, teachers) and that they have been touched by or have internalised. They can also write affirmations that they have formulated themselves, a sketch of anything positive they want to communicate to themselves or others. They can also draw something on the poster to brighten it up,...
The poster should be filled for at least 5 days and at the end we can see what nice and encouraging things the participants have written or drawn. We can keep the poster for a longer time and still write something on it when we think it is the right time. The poster's positive content encourages and motivates us when we feel bad.
Sources & Additional Materials
Poster or several posters, crayons, pencils, felt-tip pens, etc. creative materials

Group work, pair work, individual work
Additional Notes

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