Dumbo the Elephant

Dumbo the Elephant
Main Topic
Health – General
Additional Topic(s)
Mobility – Sports
30-60 minutes
Implementation Mode
Outdoor F2F
To instil a positive appreciation of physical health.
to cooperate and connect with each other
understanding the positive aspects of competition

Expected Results:
Participants will realise that exercise can be not only healthy but also fun and has a great contribution to make to peer interaction and cooperation.
Overview of Activity
This activity encourages participants to think about physical health and have fun while doing it. In this game, children learn that movement can be interesting, fun and relaxing. They also develop their logical thinking and connect with other participants through this game.
Description of Activity
For this game, you need a gym or an outdoor playground.
The leader designates one child to be the elephant. This is placed on one side of the gym/playground. The rest of the participants stand on the other side of the playground. The child who is the elephant has his/her arms folded in a rilce shape pointing in front of him/her.
On a signal from the leader, the players must get to the other side of the field as quickly as possible past the elephant without it touching them with its trunk.
Whoever is touched by the elephant is caught and also becomes the elephant that helps catch the others.
When someone is caught, they hold the hands of the others who have already been caught and together they chase the children who have not yet been caught.
The last one to be caught wins, and in the next round it is Dumbo the elephant.
Sources & Additional Materials
Group work, pair work, individual work
Additional Notes

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