(Job) Speed Dating

(Job) Speed Dating
Main Topic
Solidarity - Social Activities
Additional Topic(s)
Empowerment and Inclusion – Diversity
Mobility - Visibility of Youth
2-4 hours
Implementation Mode
Indoor F2F
● communication

● social skills

● team effort

● information on jobs (or topic of your choice)

● boost your strengths

Expected Results

Young people will learn to interview others about their job status (or a topic of their choice). They learn to listen closely and to ask follow up questions. They will feel empowered in their decisions and feel more connected with their peers.
Overview of Activity
Find your true love!

In this speed dating exercise, you will learn more about the job wishes of your peers. It will encourage you to speak freely about your goals and achievements, dreams and wishes.

You can use any topic you like for your speed dating
Description of Activity
1. Set-up the room: at each table, you will need two chairs. Participants should sit in front of each other. Create also a nice atmosphere by putting a candle and a flower on the table.

2. Part into two groups. One group will sit at the table, the second group will switch tables every 10-minutes.

3. The rules:

Every table has 10-minutes to start a conversation about jobs (or topic of your choice). Just like during a real speed dating exercise, you should learn more about your table partner. Listen carefully, ask questions and take notes.

4. After 10-minutes you will hear a bell ring. That’s your sign to switch your seat. There is one group who stays at their table and the second group who will wander from table to table. Switch seats and start the interview/conversation again.

5. When you are through discussing what you just learned about the jobs from others. Is there a match? Did you find your true love for a job that is new for you? Or did you fall back to your ex and want to start over with a job you originally did not plan to go back to? Or did you find yourself and found another one crazy enough to do what you want to do?
Sources & Additional Materials
● Tables (depending on group size)

● Chairs (depending on group size)

● Candles and Flowers (to make a nice atmosphere)

● Stopwatch

● Bell or something similar

● Pen and paper
Additional Notes

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