Legislative Simulation

Legislative Simulation
Main Topic
Solidarity - Civic Activities
Additional Topic(s)
Solidarity - Social Activities
1-2 hours
Implementation Mode
Indoor F2F
● To learn about the process of law-making in a legislative body

● To develop an understanding of how different perspectives and priorities can influence legislative decision-making

● To practice critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and practice effective communication and collaboration skills

Expected Results

● Increased knowledge and understanding of the legislative process

● Improved ability to think critically about complex issues and consider multiple perspectives

● Improved ability to engage in civil and respectful debate and negotiation

● Increased motivation to participate in the democratic process and work towards creating positive change in their communities
Overview of Activity
The Legislative Simulation game is a group activity designed to give participants a taste of what it's like to be a member of a legislative body, such as a city council or state legislature.
Description of Activity
1. The facilitator should divide the group into pairs or small groups.

2. The facilitator should then provide each group with an index card (see Notes) that contains a proposed bill related to an issue of active citizenship, such as environmental protection, education reform, or social justice.

3. Each group should work together to draft a detailed legislative proposal that addresses the issue on their index card. They should consider the purpose of the bill, the scope of the bill, potential objections or obstacles to the bill and so on.

4. Once completed, each group should present their proposal to the larger group, who will act as the legislative body and debate and vote on the proposals.

5. The facilitator should encourage the legislative body to consider the merits of each proposal and to engage in civil and respectful debate.
Sources & Additional Materials
Additional Notes
The length of the Legislative Simulation game will depend on the size of the group and the level of detail that each group puts into their legislative proposals. However, we would suggest allocating at least 75-90 minutes for the game to allow for sufficient time for each group to prepare and present their proposals, as well as for the larger group to engage in civil and respectful debate on each proposal.

The index cards for the Legislative Simulation can contain a variety of proposed bills related to issues of active citizenship. Here are some examples of the types of bills that could be included on the cards:

● A bill to provide free college education to all students

● A bill to increase funding for public transportation systems

● A bill to expand access to affordable housing for low-income families

● A bill to mandate a living wage for all workers

● A bill to reform the criminal justice system and reduce mass incarceration

● A bill to address climate change through the promotion of clean energy and conservation efforts

● A bill to improve access to healthcare for underserved communities

● A bill to reform the immigration system and provide a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants

These are just a few examples, but the possibilities are endless! The key is to choose bills that are relevant to the group and that will encourage thoughtful discussion and debate.

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