Looking after your wellbeing
Main Topic
Health – Mental
Additional Topic(s)
30-60 minutes
Implementation Mode
Indoor F2F
- Participation
- Caring for mental health
- Creativity
- Recognising wellbeing
Desired outcomes:
Participants will identify in themselves what helps them to feel good. In the second part of the activity, they will use their imagination to create a story about mental health, using stories and ideas from other participants.
- Caring for mental health
- Creativity
- Recognising wellbeing
Desired outcomes:
Participants will identify in themselves what helps them to feel good. In the second part of the activity, they will use their imagination to create a story about mental health, using stories and ideas from other participants.
Overview of Activity
This activity is designed to encourage reflection on well-being, participants will reflect on when they feel good about themselves through associations in photographs.
Description of Activity
- Individual work, group work, working with associations
- Before the activity the leader should cut out pictures from different magazines (e.g. National Geographic) showing different landscapes, people, animals, etc. The number of pictures should be large enough to give participants a choice. Instead of cut-out photographs, some of the therapeutic maps can be used.
The leader spreads the photographs in the room beforehand, either in the centre of the circle or some other area. It is important that there is enough space around the photos for all participants to come and see.
Instructions for the activity:
1. Ask participants to take time to look at all the photos and then choose a photo that represents wellbeing for them. If two or more participants choose the same photo, each participant should present it.
2. Ask the participants to explain why they chose the photo, why the picture in the photo represents well-being to them.
3. When participants have finished presenting their wellbeing, encourage them to think about how they take care of their own wellbeing and open the topic of mental health: what it represents to them, what mental health means, how we take care of our mental health.
4. Participants return the photographs.
5. Divide them into groups of 4 or 5, depending on the size of the group.
6. Once all the photos have been collected, we turn them over so that the pictures are not visible. Ask the participants in the groups to choose a few photos at random (no more than 8).
7. In groups, ask the participants to make a story from the photos they have been given, so that the phrase mental health appears at least once in the story. Each group will find a space where they can create a story.
8. After 10 minutes, invite the participants back into the circle and ask each group to present the story they have made up using the photographs.
9. To conclude, we make a summary about mental health and wellbeing.
- Individual work, group work, working with associations
- Before the activity the leader should cut out pictures from different magazines (e.g. National Geographic) showing different landscapes, people, animals, etc. The number of pictures should be large enough to give participants a choice. Instead of cut-out photographs, some of the therapeutic maps can be used.
The leader spreads the photographs in the room beforehand, either in the centre of the circle or some other area. It is important that there is enough space around the photos for all participants to come and see.
Instructions for the activity:
1. Ask participants to take time to look at all the photos and then choose a photo that represents wellbeing for them. If two or more participants choose the same photo, each participant should present it.
2. Ask the participants to explain why they chose the photo, why the picture in the photo represents well-being to them.
3. When participants have finished presenting their wellbeing, encourage them to think about how they take care of their own wellbeing and open the topic of mental health: what it represents to them, what mental health means, how we take care of our mental health.
4. Participants return the photographs.
5. Divide them into groups of 4 or 5, depending on the size of the group.
6. Once all the photos have been collected, we turn them over so that the pictures are not visible. Ask the participants in the groups to choose a few photos at random (no more than 8).
7. In groups, ask the participants to make a story from the photos they have been given, so that the phrase mental health appears at least once in the story. Each group will find a space where they can create a story.
8. After 10 minutes, invite the participants back into the circle and ask each group to present the story they have made up using the photographs.
9. To conclude, we make a summary about mental health and wellbeing.
Sources & Additional Materials
Additional Notes
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