Positive chain

Positive chain
Main Topic
Solidarity - Social Activities
Additional Topic(s)
Health - Mental
30-60 minutes
Implementation Mode
Indoor F2F
- Empowering the individual
- Cohesion in the group
- To learn how to receive and give feedback

Desired outcomes:
Participants will hear their good qualities through others, which will help them to raise their self-esteem. At the end of the activity, participants will recognise or affirm a positive attribute about themselves and thus empower themselves.
Participants will reflect on what they have gained for themselves after this activity. They will be asked to reflect on what was easier for them, giving or receiving the message. Do they often receive a positive or a negative message in their daily life? How do they receive praise or criticism? What can they learn about themselves from positive messages?
Overview of Activity
Participants receive feedback about themselves through another. Finding positive qualities in individuals, gaining experience of giving and receiving feedback.
Description of Activity
● Group work, up to 30 people

The room is set up so that participants can sit in a circle next to each other. Someone in the circle starts and says a positive message to the left neighbour. The positive message should be related to the person's actions or something we like about the person - his/her qualities, not his/her appearance, it should be sincere. The person giving the message should look the person to whom he/she is giving the message in the eye and speak to him/her. The facilitator encourages the participants to take their time, think and communicate what they really want to communicate. They then continue this in a circle so that the neighbour always tells the left neighbour. When the circle is complete, this can be done again to the right. Alternatively, we can shuffle in between, so that we get a new neighbour and repeat the process again.
Sources & Additional Materials
Rozman, U: Trening socialnih veščin, Educa, 2006
Additional Notes

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