Walk to Find Ourselves

Walk to Find Ourselves
Main Topic
Health – Physical
Additional Topic(s)
Mobility - Ownership of Public Space
1 day
Implementation Mode
Outdoor F2F
One of the objectives of this activity is to stimulate young people's curiosity about the places, monuments and environmental beauty of the area and the importance of mobility for physical health. Through a day of walking around different places, young people are taught the importance of walking for a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
Overview of Activity
The activity aims to help young people through a day of discovery in specific areas and neighbourhoods in their own city, with the possibility of an initial move by train/bus. Through the activity, young people will be able to develop interests in places that are new to them or already known to them. They will be able to share experiences, facts and moods with their peers they feel or experience in the areas. The activity is also aimed at promoting the good practice of walking and, more generally, a healthy and sustainable lifestyle in harmony with nature.
Description of Activity
The activity takes place entirely in places that can be reached on foot (or by taking a short public transport journey to an appropriate location). The young people are motivated to discuss the areas they pass through, expressing ideas, reflections and experiences. Through the promotion of walking and landscape culture, young people acquire notions of environmental education, with a progressive maturing of self-awareness and their relationship with the outside world.

During break times, it is appropriate to stimulate the young people with questions related to the places they have passed through/visited, e.g.: Have you been to this part of town before? What kind of natural or artificial elements have you observed? How much and how did the landscape change during the walk? Do you feel physically tired? Are you used to walking in everyday life? What do you feel when you walk? Do you think that walking allows a different way of perceiving the environment around you?

The activity can be organised with different stages throughout the day that allow the young people to compare and discuss with each other. A tour of a museum or nature park could also be included. The important thing is to keep the mobility of the young people as one of the objectives of the activity.
Sources & Additional Materials
Information guide on the route areas
Additional Notes
Activity developed by the students participating in the workshop held on 28/02/23 at the “Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Peano” in Turin.

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