Who Are You Going To Be?

Who Are You Going To Be?
Main Topic
Health – Mental
Additional Topic(s)
30-60 minutes
Implementation Mode
● To understand the importance of being resilient to achieve your goals.
● Reflect on previous setbacks to learn about how to become more resilient.

Expected Results

Upon completing this activity, young people will be able to acknowledge their own personal strengths by identifying their goals in life, and acknowledging times when they found it difficult to achieve their goals.

By the end of the activity, young people should be better equipped to work towards more resilient behaviours.
Overview of Activity
This activity provides a young person with the opportunity to reflect on times in their lives where they experienced set-backs and had to develop and use their resilience and perseverance skills in order to move forward.

This activity is intended as a self-directed activity, through which a young person watches a series of online videos that guide and direct them to learning more about their behaviours and characteristics.

To make this exercise a little more difficult a young person can also do this in groups with their friends. The young person can provide their answers, but ask their friends for their opinions on the situation provided. Do they feel that the answers were honest or representative of the real behaviour of the young person?
Description of Activity

● Take a sheet of paper and split it up into 4 sections –

o Goals and dreams;

o Setbacks;

o Opportunities for being resilient;

o Adapting and moving forward to achieve my goals.

● Note that it is up to you to chose how you would like to do this; you can be as creative as you would like to be.

2. Reflection

● Start by watching this video: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxW5D5VPg_0&ab_channel=TheOutcome">Michelle Obama’s Best Advice for Students

● Reflect for 5-minutes on the goals and dreams that you have in your life. Here are some questions to help you think but feel free to be as creative with your goals as possible:

o Who am I going to be?

o What things would I like to have in 2-years’ time?

o What skills would I like to have in 5-years’ time?

o What job would I like to have in 10-years’ time?

● In the first section of the paper – goals and dreams - write down 3 of these times onto a piece of paper.

● For a further 15-minutes, write down the reasons why these are your goals and dreams.

3. Resilience

● Put your sheet of paper to one side for the moment, and watch the clip "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkDkJmbdxVQ&ab_channel=HealthforKids">Building Your Character: Resilience.

● During the video, you will hear prompt questions. We suggest that you play this video once and listen to the content to develop your understanding of the topic of resilience.

● Then, we suggest that you play the video again, but think about times in your life when you had to be resilient because you experienced a set-back:

o Did you face an important situation where someone supported you or didn’t support you?

o Did you have to step outside your comfort zone and make a mistake?

o Did you have a narrow viewpoint and didn’t see the wider world?

● In the second section – setbacks - write down 3 of these times onto a piece of paper.

4.Getting back on your feet

● Considering these times in your life that you faced setbacks in life, what did you do to help you get back on your feet?

● Watch the video: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FDyiUEn8Vw&">Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust

● Think about some of the following questions, and write the answers to them in the third section of your sheet of paper:

o What did I learn from this set-back? It’s ok to think about both the positive and negative learnings 😊

o Was there someone who helped me to get through it, such as a friend, family member, teacher?

o How did I behave during this situation? Were there any behaviours that I would change.

o Did you ask someone for advice, feedback, or suggestions on how?

5. Adapting and moving forward to achieve my goals.

● In this final step, imagine that you are just about to achieve the goals that you identified in step 1. But, unfortunately, a setback arrives, and it tries to stop you from achieving your goals.

● In the fourth and final section - Adapting and moving forward to achieve my goals – write down what you will do to overcome this set back.

o "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EphjCWXe41A&ab_channel=Amaze.Africa">Will you change the way you communicate with others?

6. Finishing up

To finish up, reflect on your growth as an individual over the four steps.

We suggest that you watch some of these resources to help you to develop your resilience skills even further:

o "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BF04JExesYw&ab_channel=KeysToSuccess">Famous people and the perseverance

o "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxyQDYabcG8&ab_channel=mrSKYee">PERSEVERE - Motivational Video

o "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CQusoJSh0E&ab_channel=MulliganBrothers">Find something you love to do, do it everyday.
Sources & Additional Materials
● Paper & pen;
● IT equipment with internet access – such as a smartphone or laptop.

● Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (2016) Resilience but what is it? Here’s 5 ways to build resilience "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FDyiUEn8Vw&ab_channel=LeicestershirePartnershipNHSTrust">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FDyiUEn8Vw&ab_channel=LeicestershirePartnershipNHSTrust /> ● Amaze.Africa (2020) AMAZE: Communication Style. Available from: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EphjCWXe41A&ab_channel=Amaze.Africa ">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EphjCWXe41A&ab_channel=Amaze.Africa
● Health for Kids (2022) Building your character: Resilience Available from: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkDkJmbdxVQ&ab_channel=HealthforKids">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkDkJmbdxVQ&ab_channel=HealthforKids />
● The Outcome (2021) Michelle Obama's Best Advice For Students | How To Succeed In Life Available from: "
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxW5D5VPg_0&ab_channel=TheOutcome">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxW5D5VPg_0&ab_channel=TheOutcome /> ● Keys to Success (2016) Famous people and the perseverance. Available from: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BF04JExesYw&ab_channel=KeysToSuccess ">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BF04JExesYw&ab_channel=KeysToSuccess
● Mulligan Brothers (2019) Never give up, believe in yourself. Available from: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CQusoJSh0E&ab_channel=MulliganBrothers ">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CQusoJSh0E&ab_channel=MulliganBrothers
Additional Notes

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1 thought on “Who Are You Going To Be?”

  1. We tested this and received the following feedback that may help others:

    a) Somehow difficult questions to answer from the youth perspective which might be simplified. Breaking down this activity into 4 different sessions/activities.

    b) I liked that workshop because it could really help young people and when we are young we just have to study at school to prepare ourselves for high school/university. Nowadays, young people want to be more autonomous and get their own money, for instance to travel, have driver licence, but they don’t know where to start. This workshop, with the help of the facilitator, could be very helpful. Besides, one of the current problems is that young people aren’t motivated, therefore even watching a video could be helpful.

    c) I really like this activity. I think it would be good to add in the notes that youth worker might need to summarise the videos or find similar ones in their native languages.

    d) Very introspective, good for people who feel a bit lost. Kind of an activity in one of our subjects (personal effectiveness)

    e) Very good idea to reflect on life and learn about our past but there are people who are not planning or lost their path or have not any good thing they would achieve???


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